Music Therapy

Music therapy is the art of appreciating the sounds in order to eradicate the psychosomatic illnesses.

According to the World Federation of Music Therapy: "Music therapy is the use of music and / or its musical elements (sound, rhythm, melody, harmony) with a patient or group, in a process designed to facilitate and promote communication, learning, movement, expression, organization, and other relevants therapeutic objectives in order to achieve change and satisfy physical, emotional, mental, social and cognitive needs".

With music therapy, the individual brings the energy required for the daily activity. Their goals include restoring, enhancing or maintaining physical functioning, emotional, cognitive or social development of people.

The Incas were able to achieve high energy performances with music therapy. Each activity had its music and dance.

Now Relax, listen to these music pieces and then tell us what have you perceived.

Amanecer Andino

El Cóndor Pasa

Machu Picchu
